Innovative web platform, powered by AI that works 24/7, screens Twitter and informs in real-time its subscribers for important information that can influence dramaticaly stock or crypto prices. Also gives information about the market influence that similar posts have had before.
Get It StartedAt the beginning of every month, you will receive a short report with the most important information about the previous month. You will be able to check how different posts have influenced the prices on the stocks and crypto markets.
The innovative web platform was developed by the software company Donatix. The company has already had numerous awards for developing software products. The SSMS product was backed also by an investment fund named “Innovation Catipal”.
The CEO of the company has a Ph.D. in the field of innovation and successful corporate and entrepreneurial experience in the FinTech area.
Subscribed users receive important information 24/7 about posts on social media made by different stocks and crypto influencers. Stop wasting your precious time trying to follow all-important information going through social media and just let Media Screener do that for you.